Iulian Trandafir, President of A.D.R.F.R. interview for Bursa Magazine

The pandemic forced us to adapt to a new context, both as a society and as individuals, but also on each industry. Pharmaceutical distributors and retailers in our country quickly understood the needs of the market and their role in the fight against the new coronavirus and have been at the forefront since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Totodată, nevoile sistemului, ale pacienţilor, ale specialiştilor în sănătate au adus în prim plan soluţii care erau discutate de mult timp şi care şi-au dovedit imediat eficacitatea în condiţiile actuale, ca telemedicina sau reţetele elctronice, după cum ne-a declarat domnul Iulian Trandafir, preşedintele Asociaţiei Distributorilor şi Retailerilor Farmaceutici din România (A.D.R.F.R.).

"We estimate total investments of millions of euros throughout the industry, to increase protection measures"

"The market is likely to grow if effective treatment is patented or the new coronavirus vaccine is launched."

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